T45 Water Auxiliary Cooling Systems Cost Reduction


When systems don’t perform to design predictions, industries often face escalating costs and operational challenges. The T45 water auxiliary cooling system was encountering such a dilemma, with diaphragm valve failure rates consistently exceeding initial estimates.

The Challenge

The cooling system’s core issue was the unexpectedly high failure rates of its diaphragm valves. These persistent failures were not just inflating operational costs but were also indicating a deeper flaw that had been overlooked during the design phase.

Solution & Implementation

High Integrity Systems (HIS) was brought onboard to address this looming concern. Drawing from their deep well of engineering expertise, HIS took a dual-pronged approach:

  • Physics Modelling Using Advanced Techniques: HIS initiated the project by developing a precise physics model of the problematic valves. This involved employing advanced techniques, such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This approach enabled HIS to simulate the valve’s behavior under different conditions and subsequently pinpoint the exact nature of the issue.
  • Digital Representation and Analysis: Alongside the physics model, HIS crafted a digital twin of the entire cooling system. This comprehensive digital representation provided a platform to reproduce the real-world problems within a virtual environment, offering invaluable insights into the system’s operational hitches.

The in-depth analysis led to a significant revelation: the root cause of the valve damage was cavitation. Armed with this knowledge, HIS then devised the necessary modifications to rectify the problem and enhance system efficiency.


By accurately identifying the crux of the system’s malfunction, HIS paved the way for efficient modifications, effectively mitigating the prevalent valve failure issue.

The refined cooling system now boasted a markedly reduced failure rate, leading to significant cost savings and ensuring the T45’s optimal operation.